Online-Documentation (Beta) CMS Core/Grid 16.x

INFO:13.xIncluded from Core Business


Starting with the Weblication® CORE Business package, an integrated, data protection-compliant statistics function is available that can be accessed by administrators and editors via the panel and page info. The statistics function contains no personal data and does not transfer any additional data.

The "Statistics" graphic illustrates the page views for the project. The basis for this are the page accesses, which are logged via the server monitoring and prepared separately for the statistics.



The graphic shows the page views per day for the selected period and the number of views in the period under review. By selecting the desired period on the right-hand side, the graphic adjusts itself accordingly.

In the bottom of the window, the pages are sorted according to the number of calls. The list can be restricted to the number of hits of the last x days.

Please note that the statistics function is an additional function which is intended to give you a general overview of the page views for the project.

For more detailed evaluations, please use statistics software from your provider or other providers.


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