Online-Documentation (Beta) CMS Core/Grid 16.x

INFO:Version 16.x

For editing links (cross references) in Weblication® CMS, a comfortable link editing is available to you.

The project shown as examples use a strucural element "Link" within the page editing, through which the individual parameters of a link can be edited.

In addition, you can insert and edit cross references within text areas released for maintenance (WYSIWYG field). As a default setting, always the same maintenance mask is used for link editing.

Depending on the settings in the maintenance mask, the attributes released for maintenance are made available to you. In the following the attributes by default are described.

Editing of links
Editing of links



In the register 'General' the attributes subject to maintenance are shown that have been defined as released for maintenance to this register (sheetRegister="common") through the corresponding Maintenance mask. Moreover, additional registers can be displayed through the Maintenance mask (Extended, Style, Language, Incidents).

In this field you select the file you want to link through the right selection arrow Icon. For external links enter the corresponding address in the input box (e.g.
Once an internal path (starting with /) has  been entered in the field, a magnifier symbol Icon will appear next to the selection area for calling the linked file for preview.


Through the selection box you can optionally select the anchors being available for the selected project page. Upon selection, the URL in the link field will be automatically complemented by this anchor name and thus represents a jump label (e.g. /base/unternehmen/index.php#sitemap).
This selection box will only appear if an internal project page containing an anchor has been selected through the link field. This can be links with a filled in name attribute (see below) or container a corresponding id indication (e.g. Weblication® CMS Headers (implementation of the header Weblics®)).


You can select through the selecton box, in which window and by what means the linked file should opened. By default, the following options are available for selection:

  • Open link in the same window
    The linked file is called in the same window or browser tab as the currently called page.
  • Open link in new window
    Depending on browser settings, the linked file is opened in a new browser window or browser tab, respectively.
  • Open link in pop-up (width x height)
    The linked file is opened in a pop-up window. For this selection, on the right of the selection box two additional input boxes are displayed. Enter width and height of the pop-up window in these fields (e.g. 720x560 for a width of 720 pixels and a height of  560 pixels).
  • Open link in a fancybox
    The linked file is opened in a fancybox. For this selection, the selection box representation is automatically put to fancybox.
    This selection is offered depending on the BASE project base it is based on. With older or individual projects you have to do the upgrading on your own.
  • Open image in a fancybox
    The linked file (image) is opened in a fancybox. For this selection, the selection box representation is automatically put to fancybox.
    This selection is offered depending on the BASE project base it is based on. With older or individual projects you have to do the upgrading on your own.
  • E-mail with SPAM protection
    The E-mail address entered in the link field is equipped with spam protection for page publication. This makes it difficult for robots to find this E-mail address.

The types of representation to be selected can be manually adjusted in the project through the related XML file.


Enter the link text in this field that should be shown for the linked file on your website. The text should describe the link (e.g. How to find us).


Enter the alternative text for the link in this field, which should describe the crossreference in more detail.
In many browsers, the title gets visible by mouseover and is particularly important for barrier-free websites.
By clicking hte button "Insert title of linked file" you can optionally call the title of the linked file which is then entered in the field. This function is exclusively available for linked HTML files the title of which can be read out.


In this field you can optionally enter the name of the link that should be allocated to the link. This is, for example, important for anchors or barrier-free pages.
This field will only appear if the attribute has been defined as editable through the link maintenance mask.


Through the selection box you can select, which type of representation should be allocated to the link. In this way, a class is attributed to the link, through which, for example, a representation symbol can be put in front of the link.
By default, the following options are offered (demonstrated with standard symbols):

The types of representation that can be selected can be manually adjusted in the project through the related XML file.

'Adjust this mask':

By clicking this button the Tag editor file, will open that defines the attributes for link editing that are subject to maintenance. In this way, an admin can directly influence the Link editing mask and individually adjust the maintenance mask.