Online-Documentation (Beta) CMS Core/Grid 14.x


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INFO: Administrator Pflegebenutzer Version 14.x

Create Directory

In a directory you can create new directories based on pre-defined templates provided you hae the corresponding Authorisation. If the templates have been correspondingly implemented, they are displayed in a descriptive manner and described in the selection of available templates.

Create directory

By clicking the button "Create directory", a new window will open for creating the new directory.

Create directory 
Create directory


'Available templates':

In this field, you select the desired template from the available templates. It is taken as a basis for creating the new directory.


In this field you optionally get a preview image of the selected templates. For this purpose, the corresponding template has to be implemented accordingly (wd:asTemplate Block of the document extension). If no preview image is defined in the template, there will be no output at this place.


In this field you optionally get a description of the selected template. For this purpose, the corresponding template has to be implemented accordingly (wd:asTemplate Block of the document extension). If no description is defined in the template, there will be no output at this place.

'Directory name':

In this field you enter the directory name with which the new directory should be created.  All characters entered except a-z, A-Z, 0-9 as well as hyphen (-) and underscore (_) are automatically converted to a hyphen. If a directory with this name already exists, the editor is asked to enter a different name.



Saves all modifications.


Interrupts the current editing and rejects all modifications.

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