Online-Documentation (Beta) CMS Core/Grid 16.x

INFO:Version 16.x

Directory Functions

Within the Directory view you can call the functions for a directory through the toolbar at the top.

Tool bar directory functions
Tool bar directory functions

A right click on the directory opens the layer selection in the Directory view with partly equal or additonal functions for a directory.

Directory functions - layer
Directory functions - layer


Directory toolbar

Check in project':

By clicking the button Icon (check in project) te corresponding project (e.g. Main directory/de) is checked in. The mask for Editing project settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears on the highest project level and for projects that have not been checked in. For checked-in projects the button 'Edit project settings' described below will appear on the highest project level (e.g. /de).

'Edit project settings':

By clicking the button Icon (Edit project settings) the mask for Editing project settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears on the highest project level and for checked-in projects. For projects that have not been checked in the previously described button "Check in project" will appear on the highest project level (e.g./de).

'Check in directory':

By clicking the button Icon (check in directory) the corresponding directory is checked in. The mask for Editing the directory settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears for projects that have not been checked in. Otherwise the button "Edit directory settings" described below will appear.

'Edit directory settings':

By clicking the button Icon (Edit directory settings), the mask for Editing directory settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears for check-in directories. Otherwise the previously decribed button "Check in directory" will appear.

'Define standard file settings for this directory':

By clicking the button Icon (Define standard settings for this directory) the standard file settings are determined. The mask for Editing the standard file settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears if no special file settings have been defined yet for the current directory. Otherwise the button "Edit standard file settings" described below will appear.

'Edit standard file settings':

By clicking the button Icon (Edit standard file settings), the mask for Editing the standard file settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears if special file settings have already been defined for the current directory.  Otherwise the button "Define standard file settings for this directory" previously described will appear.

'Upload file':

By clicking the buttonIcon (Upload file) a file can be uploaded in the directory structure with the corresponding authorisation. The mask for Upload of files will open.

'Create directory':

By clicking the button Icon (Create directory) a new directory underneath the current directory can be created with the corresponding authorisation. A new window will open for determining the template and the name of the subdirectory (Create directory).

'Create file':

By clicking the button Icon (Create file) a new file can be created within the current directory with the corresponding authorisation. A new window will open for determining the template and the file name (Create file).


By clicking the button Icon (Refresh) the content of the current directory is reloaded. Thus the directory cache is refreshed and files and subdirectories are hidden or included that had been manually deleted or created on the server (e.g. via FTP).


By clicking the button Icon (Upwards), the parent directory of the current directory is called.
This button only appears from project level and not on the highest level (/).

'Field directory path':

In this field, the directory is displayed that has been currently called. In additon, in language projects the  defined flag for the respective language will appear before the directory name.

'Save as favourite':

By clicking the button Icon (Save as favourite), the current directory is saved as a favourite. In the File selection this directory will appear in the favourite box to allow quick access to the directory.
This button only appears for directories that have not been saved as favourites yet. Otherwise the button "Delete from favourites" described below will appear.

'Delete from favourites':

By clicking the button Icon (Delete from favourites), the current directory is deleted from the favourites.
This button only appears for directories that have already been saved as favourites. Otherwise the previously described button "Save as favourite" will appear.

'Switch to detail view':

By clicking the button Icon (Switch to detail view) the view of the directory contents is switched to Detail view.
This button only appears for directories, for which currently the minimal view described  below has been set.

'Switch to minimum view':

By clicking the button Icon (Switch to minimum view), the view of the directory is switched to Minimum view.
This button only appears for directories, for which currently the previously described detail view  has been set.

By clicking the button Icon (Internal search), the mask for internal search is called. Based on the currently called directory the search term to be entered is searched recursively in title, description, and keywords of the files. This enables quick finding of files in the directory structure.

Directory layer


By clicking the button Icon (Open), you open the directory contents of the directory.

'Save as favourite':

By clicking the button Icon (Save as favourite), the current directory is saved as a favourite. In the File selection this directory will appear in the favourite box to allow quick access to the directory. This button only appears for directories that have not been saved as favourites yet. Otherwise the button "Delete from favourites" described below will appear.

'Delete from favourites':

By clicking the button Icon (Remove from favourites), the current directory is deleted from the favourites. This button only appears for directories that have already been saved as favourites. Otherwise the previously described button "Save as favourite" will appear.

'Upload file':

By clicking the button Icon (Upload file), a file can be uploaded in the directory structure with the corresponding authorisation. The mask for Upload of files will open.


By clicking the button Icon (Rename), you use the function Rename Directory.
The rename function can also be called through the keyboard (key "F2").

'Check in':

By clicking the button Icon (Check in), the corresponding directory is checked in. The mask for Editing the directory settings will open in a new window. This button only appears for projects that have not been checked in. Otherwise the button "Directory settings" described below will appear.

'Directory settings':

By clicking the button Icon (Directory settings), the mask for Editing the directory settings will open in a new window.
This button only appears for checked-in directories. Otherwise, the previously described button "Check in" will appear.

'Check out':

By clicking the button Icon (Check out), the corresponding directory is checked out. After confirmation of the security query, if you really want to check out, the directory settings for this directory are irrevocably deleted.
This button only appears for checked-in directories. Otherwise, the previously described button "Check in" will appear. 

'Lock directory':

By clicking the button Icon (Lock directory), you lock the current directory including its files and subdirectories for view in the directory structure of the software. This applies to all users (including admins). After confirmation of the security query whether you really want to lock, the directory is hidden.
Delocking is only possible manually via FTP/Explorer/Shell, by deleting the file "wLocked.xml" from the directory.


By clicking the button Icon (Delte directory), a directory can be deleted. After confirmation of the security query whether you really want to delete, the directory is irrevocably deleted.
The delete function can also be called via keyboard (key "Delete".


By clicking the button Icon (Refresh), the content of the current directory is reloaded. Thus the directory cache is refreshed and files and subdirectories are hidden or included that had been manually deleted or created on the server (e.g. via FTP).

Please note

The functions in the upper toolbar always affect the directory that is displayed in the directory view at this time. The functions in the directory layer (menu) affect the directory that has been clicked on.