This documentation is valid for the entire product family in version 17.x:
The following information is provided in this documentation:
Not all functions described in the documentation are included in all products and some are only available as add-on modules. Administrators are also included in the documentation if the user is a caregiver.
The screenshot was created on the basis of Weblication® CMS Grid, as it contains all functions of Weblication® CMS Core.
For the application examples, the BASE project basis was used for the most part, which is constantly being expanded. Current functions and scripts can always be derived from the BASE, which can be installed via the project management. Our Weblics® can also be installed via the interface, i.e. ready-to-use applications for immediate use (such as event calendars, forms, etc.).
Important notes:
All information contained in this documentation has been compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, erroneous information cannot be completely excluded. Scholl Communications AG, the authors and the translators are not liable for any errors and their consequences.
Note on up-to-dateness:
Please note that the documentation is constantly being expanded due to new functions, etc.
(Status: June 22, 2022)
If you discover any errors or malfunctions in this documentation, we thank you for an e-mail message.
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