Online-Documentation (Beta) CMS Core/Grid 17.x

INFO:Version 17.x

Upload File

In a directory, you can upload files to the server based on the directory settings, provided you have the corresponding  Authorisation. For this purpose, the upload mask offers various options.

Upload file

By clicking the button "Upload file", a new window will open providing the options for uploading files. Depending on the Directory settings, you get directly to the File editing after uploading, or, as the case may be, uploading of files is not possible due to file type or size.

Upload file
Upload file

By clicking the button "Upload file", a new window will open providing the options for uploading files. Depending on the Directory settings, you get directly to the File editing after uploading, or, as the case may be, uploading of files is not possible due to file type or size.


'Files to be uploaded':

By clicking the button "Select (further) file", the file explorer of your local computer will open. Select the desired file from your local system to markt it as file to be uploaded. You can add further files by new selection.
The wastepaper bin symbol Icon serves for deleting files to be uploaded from the list.
In the field below, a comfortable option for uploading several files has been made available. This "Drag & Drop" field is only displayed if your browser supports this technique (e.g. Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, most recent version).

'Drag & Drop Field':

By dragging in the file(s) to be uploaded in the field "... o drag ..." you can upload the corresponding files quickly and comfortably into the respective directory. Select the desired file(s) from your local system. Then drag the marked file(s) into this field and drop the mouse button. The files are uploaded in the directory in one step.
This field is only shown if your browser supports this technique (HTML5), (e.g. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox in the most recent version, from CMS version onwards also with IE10).


This field informs you about the status of the file(s) to be uploaded or that have been uploaded. Successfully uploaded files show a green check mark Icon. Failed uploads are marked with the corresponding error message and a red cross Icon.

'Close window after successful uploading':

If this parameter is activated, the upload mask is closed after uploading. So, if you want to upload files into the directory in several steps, deactivate this parameter.

'Upload selected files':

By clicking this button the files listed in the field "Files to be uploaded" are uploaded into the directory.



Closes the current window.