INFO: Version en.xModule type:

Directory settings - Default file settings

You can use the standard file settings to define the file properties globally for the files in a directory. This allows you to set the settings in a central location or to specify the title, description, active navigation status, etc. globally.
All files that are not checked in or files with set inheritance take these file properties (options) or metadata (e.g. activate navigation status).

You can access the default file settings either via the directory functions (bar) (icon Icon or Icon) or via the directory settings (General).

Directory functions - bar
Directory functions - bar
Directory settings - Default file settings - Draft
Directory settings - Default file settings - Draft
Directory settings - Default file settings - Properties
Directory settings - Default file settings - Properties


The description of the individual file properties can be found in the file properties (options) or the metadata. The standard file settings use the same mask and the same setting options, which is why it is not explained separately here.

The "Templates" tab is an exception to the "normal" file properties. The "Metadata template" field also appears here, which you can use to define the editing template for binary files (images, PDFs, Office documents, etc.) (e.g. standard.extension.php, multilanguage.extension.php, etc.).

'Delete default file settings':

Clicking on this button irrevocably deletes the default file settings for the current directory after confirmation.