INFO: Version en.xModule type:

Navigation management

With its navigation concept, Weblication® has a convenient editing option for the navigation structure. Editors have the option of customizing the navigation structure, e.g. to provide main navigation, meta navigation, breadcrumb, etc., which are dynamically generated in the website.

The navigations can be viewed and edited via the Weblication® panel under"Navigations". If implemented accordingly (see BASE project), the navigation can also be accessed via Browse & Edit. The edit buttons appear if you have the appropriate authorization for the navigation file.
Navigations are generally used for controlled menu navigation in your website, for sitemaps, etc.

Navigation management
Navigation management

Click on the"Manage navigations" button to open the list of navigations in a new window.

Navigation management
Navigation management


All navigations of a project are stored in the navigation directory. You can open, display, copy, etc. these for editing using the usual file functions.

You can define the corresponding navigation points by editing a navigation file.