INFO: Version en.xAdditional module up to Core Prof. 3 projects

Indexing - Statistics

In the "Statistics" tab of the indexing mask, you can see which search terms have been called up and how often. This can also be used for a search tag cloud, for example.

Full text search - Indexing (statistics)
Full text search - Indexing (statistics)


'All search terms':

You can use this selection box to choose which search terms should be listed in the statistics list.
Possible values:

  • All search terms
  • Only search terms found
  • Only search terms not found


You can use this selection box to select the past period (in days) for which the statistics list should be generated.
Possible values:

  • 1 - 7
  • 14
  • 31
  • 120
  • 365


You can use this selection box to choose how the statistics list should be displayed.
Possible values:

  • Cloud
    The list of search terms is displayed in alphabetical order as a cloud (tag cloud).
  • List
    The list of search terms is displayed as a list sorted by number.

'Trend of search term':

By clicking on a search term in the list, a scale appears in the lower window showing the trend of the search term. The scale shows the queries over the last X days.

'Explanation of the colored markings':

The search terms are divided into three types, which are displayed in different colors:

  • Not found (red)
    Not found during the period under consideration.
  • Partially found (gray)
    A result was not displayed at all times during the period under review.
  • Found (black)
    Found during the period under review.