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Weblication® Cloud

Weblication® provides you with the basis for a cloud solution on your own web server. You no longer store confidential data with external (cloud) providers, but place it with your own provider. To manage the cloud data, you can rely on the tried-and-tested functions of Weblication® CMS, which are made available to you via the Weblication® file explorer.

In Weblication® CMS, the Weblication® Cloud is included in the scope of functions - in every CMS license.

  • You share documents and directories
  • You store your data securely in your own web space instead of in external clouds
  • You manage your data via smartphones, tablets and PCs


The term "cloud" stands for the ability to store and manage data on an external server. In contrast to storage media such as hard disks or USB sticks, this external storage space can be accessed from different locations. All that is required is Internet access.

The data in the cloud is usually stored securely on the server and is therefore only available with the appropriate access authorization. In addition, the data stored in the cloud can be encrypted beforehand, for which there are numerous services and programs for data encryption. As there is no 100% protection against unauthorized access, you should decide for yourself whether you want to store sensitive data in the cloud, even if it is encrypted!

Implementation in Weblication®

The aim of cloud implementation in Weblication® is to manage your own files on your own server. The data should not be stored on "just any" server, but with the provider of your choice. This data security can be further increased if you use your own web server in your own network. The only prerequisite for this is that the server or hosting fulfills the Weblication® requirements.

Another important aspect of the Weblication® Cloud is the use of the existing tools, which primarily include the Weblication® File Explorer. This is the central function for uploading, editing and managing your documents.

File explorer representation of the Weblication® Cloud
File explorer representation of the Weblication® Cloud

The Weblication® Cloud can be operated as standard at no additional cost. Weblication® maintenance users can access the files and directories within their own cloud directory or generally shared cloud directories via the file explorer, depending on their authorization.
The web view of the cloud is available to public users.
Furthermore, you can extend the functionality of public users with additional licensable cloud users so that they can also upload and manage files in their own cloud directory (defined as owner).

Weblication® maintenance users or public users (with activated cloud, i.e. licensed cloud users) only receive access to their own cloud directory (/cloud/[username]) if they are defined as the owner of the directory with the corresponding role via the directory settings!